Caithness Biotechnologies: Natural product libraries for drug discovery Harnessing Nature for drug discovery
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Natural product libraries for drug discovery


Phytotitre data - free to download

2) Sample data from screens of the Phytotitre library for inhibitors of human tumour cell-line proliferation

Phytotitre screen for inhibitors of tumour cell line proliferation

Please click here to download a PDF file containing experimental procedures, notes and summary charts for this screen.

Excel file for results of screen for inhibitors of tumour cell line proliferation

Please click here to download an XLSX file containing summary data for this screen.


Please feel free to contact us if you would like any further information on these screens or data.

Data terms of use:

  • These data are provided for research purposes only

  • No health benefits of any screened extracts are claimed or implied

  • The Phytotitre library is provided for in vitro research only

Natural product libraries for drug discovery


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