High quality reagents for
innate immunity research, vaccine development and drug discovery |
How do I place an order? Please visit our ordering page for further information on how to place an order. How do you ship your products? The natural extract and natural compound libraries are shipped on dry ice by air courier. Recombinant proteins are shipped lyophilised at ambient temperature. Are you able to ship to our location? We ship to all locations in the USA and Europe. Please contact us to ask if we are able to ship to other countries. Are you able to assist with bespoke products or projects? Yes, we are happy to discuss preparation of bespoke reagents, or contribution to bespoke projects, particularly in the space of recombinant flagellin fusion proteins for vaccine research. Please see here for further information. Do you offer a guarantee on your products? Yes, all of our products are covered by a full money-back guarantee within 30 days of receipt. Will you claim a share of any IP generated from discoveries arising from screening your libraries? No, the customer keeps all intellectual property (IP) they generate from screening our libraries. |
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Ordering How to place orders Custom products and services |
Biotechnologies Ltd., 72 Boston Road, Leicester, UK, LE4 1HB.
Telephone: +44 (0) 116 326 3802 | email: contact@caithnessbiotechnologies.com |